
Monday, January 01, 2007


Cell phone should not be allow to school (English homework)

The use of cell phones at school has generated conflict betweens school official and parents .The school official think students use cell phone at school can interrupt classes , but the parents say cell phones let them stay in touch with their children. Should students be allow to use cell phones at school? As a student who has cell phone, I believe students should not be allow to use cell phone at school. From the article “Classroom are no place for cell phone” by Williams, Armstrong and the article “School safety: cell phones, camera phones, & pagers” by National School Safely and Security Service, these articles show us use cell phones at school can cause many bad influences. I will use some quotes from both articles to convey my thesis of cell phones should not be allow to use at school.
Many student use cell phone and that number is growing. More than 90 percent of New York City high school students have cell phones. Cell phones uses at school is more and more popular. Also, it causes many bad influents at school. Student use cell phone at school can interrupt classes. "Turn off your cell phone! Turn off your cell phone!" a teacher stops teaching and shouts at a student whose cell phone was ringing. The student quickly turn off his phone . After a while, another cell phone ring again. “Turn off your cell phone!” the teacher should again. I don’t remember how many times I hear the cell phone rings during classes. I think it distracts me and I cannot pay attention on my study. According to the article “School safety: cell phones, camera phones, & pagers” , “Ringing cell phones can disrupt classes and distract students who should be paying attention to their lessons at hand.” (National School Safety and Security Services, p2.) .These quotes show us cell phone distracts students during the school day. Also, cheating is also an issue. The number of Students cheat during the exam is growing because of the cell phones. “Text message has been used for cheating. And new cell phones with cameras could be used to take photos of exams, take pictures of students changing clothes in gym locker areas.” (The National School Safety and Security Services, p2.) said by The National School Safety and Security Services. According to this quote, we know students can easily share photos or texts of exam with classmates and it violate exam rules. I think the school should limit the cell phones use at school.
Students are not necessary to use cell phone at school. Some parents need to keep in touch with their children through cell phones to make sure where their children are and make sure if their children go to school. I don’t think it is a good idea. A cell phone cannot tell you the truth. The students may lie to their parents and their parents can not notice if their children go to school or not. In my experiment, one of my classmate’s parents often call my cell phone and they want to make sure their child is going to school or not because their child doesn’t answer their calls and the school always told them she was absent. In this case, the cell phone doesn’t work . The parents could not call their child to mark sure her safety, even she has cell phone. I think the parents should call to the school office but not my cell phone or their child’s . According to the article “Classroom are no place for cell phone” by Williams, Armstrong, “Students survived for hundreds of years is not necessary to use cell phone at school.”( Williams, p2.) This quote shows us the students are not necessary to use cell phone at school because there is no cell phone in the past hundreds of years and the students still survived. Williams, Armstrong said: “If parents are seriously worried about the safely of their children, they can take other steps to ensure their safely. A cell phone is not the answer.” (Williams, p2.) Actually, cell phone can not help parents to protect their children’s safely, so the students are not necessary to use cell phone sat school.
In New York City, Major Bloomberg declared a law to ban cell phones from New York public schools and many students and their parents oppose it. The idea of to ban cell phones at school came out after 9.11. The official thinks the students use cell phone to organize gang activities and it is harmful to the school. Does allowing students to carry cell phones in school improve or detract from school safety? I think so, but most of the time the cell phone use can not against the school safety. I believe some students use phones to do some bad activities at school, but not all of the students. It seems like every student have one cell phone. It is difficult to ban the cell phone use at school. I believe that students should not be allow to use cell phone at school, but they can bring the cell phone to school. I advise the school should allow students to bring their cell phones to school, but they limit the students use cell phone at school. If the students use cell phones at school, they will get into trouble. Such as, the school had the right to confiscate it. I am no agreeing with some parent’s think the cell phones can protect their children’s safely. The cell phones can not protect their children from the attack , but the cell phone can let the parents keep in touch with their children. Every parents worry about their children’s safety, I think cell phone is not the good way to deal with this problem. The parents can call to the school office if they have something emergency .Also, the parents can call their children after school because their children can not use cell phones at school, but they can freely use cell phones after school.
A billion people are using cell phones around the world and the number is growing each year. Also, Cell phones are ubiquitous in high school, common in middle school and marking their way into elementary school. Cell phones use at school become a problem because it causes many negative influences at school and the student are not necessary to use it at school. The article “Classroom are no place foe cell phones” by Williams, Armstrong and the article “National School Safely and Security Services” convey the thesis cell phones should not be allow to use at school. The cell phone rings can disrupt the classes and take away students attention on their studies. I believe that students should not be allowed to use cell phone at school.

National school safety and security. (2006).School safety: cell phones, camera phones, & pagers. Retrieved December 19, 2006 from school: http://www.schoolsecurity.org/trends/cell-phones.html

Williams, A. (June, 6, 2006).Classrooms are no place for cell phones. Retried December 19, 2006 from Ebscohost Website: http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/delivery?vid=7&hid=14&sid=003f5dfd-3c45-4fed-a251-…

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